
This year has been a whirlwind.

As I sit here drinking a glass of wine and reminiscing of how time is literally flying by, I can't help but think of exactly one year ago today. It was 3 days before Christmas && I was 8 months pregnant with our first child. We were moving into our family dream home. It was our 3rd home in 4 years since getting married, so we were pros at moving.

No matter how many times we have moved in the past and whether it was 5 hours away or 15 minutes away, our helpers arrived early and stayed late. Whether it was because they loved us or because we offered pizza, we didn't care.

We were moving from Maryland back to our home state of Ohio. Go Buckeyes!!!
Back to where our families were and our soon to be babysitters.

Both of our families lived within 20 minutes of each other so it was a no brainer where we were headed. Although, I practically drug my husband kicking and screaming back here. I believe it's starting to grow on him. In every house we have lived in, each one has required a few projects along the way. Now instead of waiting for a project to get done until my father-in-law could drive 5 hours to supervise, we just call him up and he's here within 15 minutes.

Christmas always has me reminiscing about the things I'm thankful for. This year I am more thankful than I could have ever been a year ago. A year ago, I couldn't quite grasp the reality of having a child. I had an "idea" of what it would be like. Of course we bought a 4 bedroom house, just waiting to be filled with little giggles and the pitter patter of tiny feet running on the hardwood floors. I was in aw as I stood there with my big belly and holding my coffee. What is this new life going to entail.....

I am ..... a mommy blogger.


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