Places I want to travel to before I turn 30

Well this year I am turning 27 so this list may be a little ambitious before reaching 30. Wow I can't believe I'm turning 27! Life is going by so stinking fast. The faster it goes the more I want to travel and see it before I can't! I will say we have traveled to quite a few places over the last few years.

In the last 7 years, I have been to Rome, Florence, and Naples in Italy; London, England; Paris, France; Riviera Maya, Mexico; Charleston, SC; Las Vegas, NV; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Nashville, TN; Cape May, NJ; and Florida a few times. I'm sure I missed a few short trips mixed in there but these are the big places. We have been so fortunate to have traveled to all these places and I thank God every day that we get to live this life.

For the start of this new decade, I am making a list of all the places I would love to travel to before I turn 30! Hopefully my husband sees this and is on board. He loves to travel so I don't see him having any issues with this. *fingers crossed* I wish we would have taken advantage of when our daughter was itsy bitsy and traveled more then. Oh well, it never gets easier to travel with her, we have just changed what we needed to bring a long the way.

First on my list is Napa Valley. Oh the beautiful rolling hills of grape vines. Napa, California looks absolutely stunning and I can't wait to watch the sunset while drinking a glass of wine... or a bottle! I love my wine so of course this would be first on my list! I've wanted to go for a long time so I can't wait to go here.

Next is Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon. I've never been to the west coast so I would love to go there. My sister has gone there a few times to visit a friend and her pictures are always spectacular! I especially want to see the Pike Place Market. I absolutely love Starbucks coffee and I must go to see the very first one!

I have been on one cruise in my lifetime and my family really had a great time. My grandparents are cruise professionals and recently went on an Alaskan cruise. They said it was breathtaking! I know it wouldn't be the beach vacation I'm used to taking but I'm ready to travel around and see new things! This is pretty high on my list I think!

Ireland just looks so incredible. I'm 100% sure that the movie P.S. I Love You is the reason I was persuaded to go here. I have heard nothing but incredible things about this place and I can't wait to visit this beautiful country. So we can blame that movie as to why I fell in love with this place so hard.

Now this last place we probably should have went to when we lived in Maryland because it would have been a shorter trip to see the whole coast, but Portland, Maine and Cape Cod, Massachusetts and pretty much the whole northern east coast I would love to visit. Don't even get me started on vacationing in the Hampton's.... but I'm going to probably have to save that one for after I turn 30! #GOALS

Where are your must travel to places? We're always thinking about new places!


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